Tiny Heroes

Tiny Hero NFTs can directly participate in the Tiny Lord gameplay on the zkSync Era, while also being transported to Tiny Kingdom. Corresponding gameplay rewards can be obtained by participating in different methods of gameplay.

The level of Hero NFTs will no longer limit the level cap of the hero within the game. Heroes within the Tiny Kingdom game will have an "NFT Level" attribute. When the in-game hero's level after the upgrade is less than the NFT Level, the attributes increase by 100% in this upgrade; however, if the level after upgrade is higher than the NFT Level, this upgrade only increases the attribute by 10%. The in-game hero level cap is only related to hero quality, details are as follows:

N heroes are only used in the game and do not have corresponding NFTs.

The equipment/Tinymon worn by the hero will always follow and will not be unequipped due to the retreat. Equipment no longer has durability and does not need repairs; Tinymon no longer have satiety and do not need feeding.

Hero Level up Requirement:

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