🌀Tiny Hero NFTs

Tiny Hero NFTs are a sensational series of ERC-1155 standard NFT assets based on historical figures from across the globe!

Tiny Hero Parameters

Each unique Tiny Hero NFT has the following parameters

  1. On-chain Parameters

Power attribute of Tiny Hero will impact the bonus effect of TINC-BNB liquidity mining and the profit of NFT yield farming.

Energy attribute represents the available mining duration for NFT Yield Farming. 1 Energy point = 28800 block = 1 Day. Players can replenish NFT energy by consuming SPIRIT item. Different class NFTs consume different amounts of SPIRIT to restore energy as follows:

The most powerful UR Class Tiny Hero NFT can only be obtained by events & auctions.

2. Off-chain Parameters (for Tiny Kingdom)

Tiny Hero Upgrade

Rule 1: Each Tiny Hero NFT can be upgraded by consuming low-class Tiny Hero NFTs, and both the Power and game attributes will increase greatly after the upgrade.

Rule 2: Tiny Hero NFTs of different classes have different level caps. Subsequent versions will gradually expand the NFT level caps.

Rule 3: Upgrading cannot change NFT class, requirements for each class upgrade are different.

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